Situation related factors of music performance assessment


  • Lecturer PhD. Dorina Iuşcă "George Enescu" National University of Arts Iași
  • Professor PhD. Viorel Munteanu "George Enescu" National University of Arts Iași



Music performance assessment of constitutes a complex activity that is influenced by
a series of psychological factors which may result in obtaining a certain artistic quality. Most
of them are associated with performer’s individual characteristics that refer to the interaction
between musical aptitude and musical training. Recently, studies in literature showed that
obtaining a certain musical level is conditioned by a series of external factors like: assessment
strategy, music performance presentation format, adjudicators’ musical experience, audition
timing, the presence of accompaniment, the repertoire and adjudicators’ familiarity with it and
the visual characteristics of performers. The present study aims to illustrate a synthetic view
of these factors.

