Luminița Duțică – An Exceptional Collection of Musical Studies


  • PETRUȚA MARIA Transilvania University Brașov


Cuvinte cheie:

contemporary music, musical analysis, neomodal perspectives, syntactic organizations, variational technique.


The prestigious publishing house Artes, from the capital of Moldova, offered the general public a work which encompasses studies written by the Luminița Duțică starting from her student years, going through all the professional and teaching stages of her musical career as a teacher at secondary and tertiary level, until she became Professor at “George Enescu” National University of Arts Iași. The volume contains exceptional research, benefiting from many musical well-chosen examples accompanied by detailed analysis, but also a rich reference list which entails the investigation in detail of many areas of the sonorous art. The clear and comprehensive writing is very well-suited to the pedagogical dimension of the volume, is reflected in all of the specialized writings published by an author with a vocation for teaching.

