Înregistrare manuscrise

Autentificare sau Înregistrare pentru a depune un manuscris.

Ghid pentru autori

ARTES. JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY publishes research studies in major fields of musicology: Music History, Music Theory, Music Analysis, Musical Aesthetics, Ethnomusicology, Musical Byzantinology, Theory of musical performance.

Three types of scientific articles are published in the magazine: 1. Studies/original articles (10-30 pages). 2. Papers presented at conferences (8-10 pages); 3. Book reviews (3-5 pages).

The manuscripts submitted to Artes. Journal of musicology become the property of Artes Publishing House of “George Enescu” National University of Arts – Iasi, Romania. It is considered that submitted works have never been published before.

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1. Abstract and key words


  • The work must feature a 200-300 word abstract.
  • Key words represent a component of the process of enlisting the article for publication and must be included at the end of the summary. Up to five key words/phrases are required, which describe the content of the text and facilitate its accession in on-line data bases.


2. The text


The text needs to be presented at the highest standard of the format of research and scientific writing. Articles shall be written in the Romanian and English languages. The English-language version cannot present major differences from/changes to the Romanian-language version.

The text is required in both the Romanian and the English languages. Written style needs to be clear and coherent in both languages.

In order to ensure anonymity in the peer-review process, the text and the abstract mustn't feature any reference to the identity of the author or to institutional affiliation. The article (entitled "main document”) will be joined by a document entitled "identification document", where the following will be mentioned: author's family and given names, academic title, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail address and phone number. Subsequently, after being accepted for publication, authors shall send updated version of the works, inserting the identification data specified in the model.


3. Tables and graphic examples


Tables and images need to be highly qualitative in one of the following formats: TIFF, JPEG or PNG, publishable in black & white. Musical examples, photos, graphs and any other illustrations need to be checked from the point of view of accuracy before the text is sent. They also need to be joined by an explanatory text. The author is responsible with obtaining permission to reproduce excerpts or illustrations and/or musical examples. In case of using graphic materials protected by copyright, permission needs to be obtained both for publication on paper and online.


4. Technical details


The text needs to be sent online to the address laura.vasiliu@arteiasi.ro ; vasiliulora@gmail.com.

The text needs to be written out in the Word format, saved as .docx/ .doc. The final work shall also be sent to the editorial board in pdf format. For quotes, only inverted commas and normal (non-italic) graphic signs will be used. Punctuation within the quote needs to be identical to the original, excepting cases in which only one fragment out of a phrase is used (it will end in a period).

The text will not feature footnotes, but rather references. All references need to be typed according to the indications in the model.

Text formatting:

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Lista de verificare a pregătirii depunerii manuscrisului

Trebuie să citiți și să confirmați că ați îndeplinit cerințele de mai jos înainte de a continua.

  • Prezentul manuscris nu a fost publicat anterior, nici nu este trimis altei reviste spre examinare (sau o altă explicație a fost furnizată în Comentarii pentru editor).
  • Manuscrisul este fișier document în format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, sau RTF.
  • Acolo unde a fost posibil, au fost furnizate adrese URL pentru referințe.
  • Textul este spațiat la un rând; folosește un font de 12 puncte;folosește font cursiv pentru sublinieri (sublinierile sunt acceptate doar pentru adresele URL); graficele, figurile și tabelele sunt amplasate în text, în mod exceptional sunt plasate la finalul lucrării.
  • Textul respectă cerințele stilistice și bibliografice prezentate în Ghidul autorului.


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