Vol. 12 No. 12 (2012): Artes Magazine no. 12
On the one hand, this volume contains research papers presented within the National Musicology Symposium entitled Stylistic Identity and Contexts of Romanian Music (5th edition, Iaşi 2011), on the other hand, documents on various topics written as part of doctoral research. Most authors are Iaşi-based (The „George Enescu” Arts University or the „Octav Băncilă” National College), with collaborators from Bucharest (The National University for Music), Cluj- Napoca (The „Gheorghe Dima” Academy for Music), Braşov (Transylvania University – Music Department) and Constanţa („Ovidius” University – Faculty of Arts). The magazine is published in a bilingual Romanian-English version, with translations ensured through the care of the authors. In order to unify the footnotes and the bibliographic notes, we have made use once again – as in the case of the other published volumes – of the indications provided in work THE TECHNIQUE OF ACADEMIC WRITING (Şergan C. Andronescu), published by the Publishing House of the Foundation „România de Mâine”, Bucureşti 1997.