Vol. 23 No. 23-24 (2021): ARTES. JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY

The current volume Artes. Journal of musicology (joining issues 23-24) continues and develops the established themes of study, profiled onto historical research, musical analyis, intepretation – psychology – pedagogy in various connexions and along specialised investigations in the area of Byzantinology. Most of the titles were presented in the Conference with international participation “Art and Research – contemporary challenges”, organised by the doctoral school on 6-7 November 2020 – a scientific event which produced a lively dialogue between maestros and disciples, established musicologists and young researchers. Reflecting the emulation of the conference, the volume associates fundamental research signed by seniors of musicology – Gheorghe Duțică, Carmen Chelaru, Elena Chircev, Alex Vasiliu, Laura-Otilia Vasiliu – with rigorous scientific studies elaborated by specialists from the younger generations – Leonard Dumitriu, Zamfira Dănilă, Adrian Sîrbu, Mihaela Balan, Consuela Radu-Țaga & Dumitriana Condurache, Rosina Filimon a.o. – and with debut works, written by Ph.D. candidates of the “George Enescu” National University of Arts, of the “Transylvania” University from Brașov, of the “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music from Cluj-Napoca and of the “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iași.
The readers of the journal can benefit from the thematic plurality, from the ideas offered by rich bibliographic references, from learned or professional musical analyses, from stimulating cultural connexions for the current musicological thinking, from widely interesting pieces of research. Out of these, we recommend the interdisciplinary study History – Culture – Music in the Romanian Eighteenth Century, a thorough reconstruction of the Phanariote century, joined by the comparative analysis of the Romanian and European reality, Ion Baciu – a musician who needs to be rediscovered – a documented piece of research of the peak artistic achievements and of the conducting style, upon celebrating 90 years from his birth, Voices of Edification. Oratorio „Calls for Salvation (Pilgrims to Saint Parascheva)” by Viorel Munteanu – a hermeneutic and compositional analysis of a unique work in contemporary music, Tradition and Characteristics in the Approach to Psaltic Music Theory in Romania – the 20th Century – the investigation of the configuration and evolution of the local Byzantine musicology, „Noi istorii ale muzicilor românești” [New histories of Romanian types of music] – The most important editorial publication in the Romanian musicology of recent years – an extensive analytical review of fundamental volumes for the revelation of national sound art. The recommendations could continue, but I shall allow readers to discover the articles that interest them, which inspire their reflection and writing, which stimulate their own research.
Prof. Laura Vasiliu, PhD