Sabin Pautza, 80 years of life: “We understand from music what we are”


  • Cătălina Constantinovici Independent Researcher



Sabin Pautza, personality, facets, composer, poet


Sabin Pautza turned 80 on February 8, 2023. Known to the Romanian musical world, and not only, through his stylistically diverse works, the musician dedicated his life especially to composition. His creation is included on vinyl discs and CDs, it has tempted various performers who are passionate about academic music, as well as entertainment music, and has been approached musicologically over time, in studies, such as those signed by: Liliana Gherman (1978 - Cantata „Columne” pentru cor și orchestră pe versuri de Vasile Filip [Cantata "Columne" for choir and orchestra with lyrics by Vasile Filip]), Anca Sîrbu (2012 - Syntaxes and Sonorous Systems in Five Pieces for Orchestra by Sabin Pautza), Gheorghe Duțică (2012 - Archetypal Polysemies in Jocuri II by Sabin Pautza), Ciprian Ion (2019 - „Canti prophani” de Sabin Pautza: joaca inocentă a copiilor ilustrată printr-un joc componistic elaborat [“Canti prophani” by Sabin Pautza: the innocent play of children illustrated through an elaborate compositional game]), Daniel Paicu (2021 - Stylistic and interpretative issues in Two preludes for clarinet and piano by Sabin Păutza). The present research aims to reveal nuances of the musician's personality, found in his works, his musical dialogues, his ways of communication, all this starting from the interview he gave me in 2020. Music is art, and Sabin Pautza believes that art is the one who brings him closer to people.

